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What's Been YOUR Experience with Spiritual Essentials?

Posted by Steve Laufer on

This coming weekend will wrap up the Spiritual Essentials study for many of our small groups. I know it has been a great springboard into all kinds of discussions both in the rooms and in the halls of our church. I alone have heard stories about how it has helped people to communicate their experiences with God whereas before they could not, how it has encouraged people to read the Bible and pray with renewed commitment, how it has pushed people to think about their notion of and involvement in social justice, and how it has helped people form deeper relationships in their WBS groups.

In light of all the conversations going on within our small groups, I thought I would start a discussion thread for people to share with the larger family of our church how the spiritual essentials study has impacted you personally, or your group as a whole. If you have a brief testimony to share, please take a minute and pass your story along to encourage others. Thanks for your continued commitment to growing in Christlikeness.


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