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Posted by Carol Homan on

This week I've been missing someone who showed me how important it can be to ask the right questions and keep searching for answers. My struggle is in figuring out the questions. That was easy for him. But he has gone Home to ask more profound questions, I'm sure, and get answers from the One who knows.

Here's the question I do have: Why is it we can't seem to fully appreciate the contributions people make to our own lives until they are gone? It seems so sad, so wrong that many around us give us small gifts of influence that make a difference and we don't see it in the moment, aren't thankful for it, and don't give back by letting them know they gave it.

This tribute is for you Wayne, Pam, Uncle Roy:

"I always thank my God every time I remember you . . . I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now . . ."

Philippians 1:3–5


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