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Thoughts on the Mystery of Ephesians

Posted by Steve Laufer on

I often tell people that the study of the Bible really is one of those practices where the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. But a follow-up point that should also be mentioned, as I’ve also found to be the case, is that the more I learn about it, the more confident I become that this book is so much more than just the product of human ingenuity. It really is beyond incredible how its different parts fit seamlessly together to tell a story over centuries. The way its content speaks to life never ceases to amaze, and the way it describes humanity existing as it was always supposed to exist (but is rarely lived up to) resonates inside me.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the past few weeks spent in the book of Ephesians. While many love Romans and 1 Corinthians, I’m inclined to think that Ephesians might have been his masterpiece. And if not that, it at least delivers the message of Paul that I find to be the most ignored and most needed for the church today.
I always think it’s a good practice to go back and re-read Scripture after a season of more intense study, and so I want to encourage you all to do so with Ephesians. Sit down and read the letter in one sitting. Then, take a moment and write down a few impressions you have on how this letter is challenging you to grow in Christlikeness. If you’re comfortable sharing your thoughts with other readers, we’d love to hear about them in response to this blog.
Thanks so much for your commitment, not only to knowing God’s Word, but embodying it in your daily lives.


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