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Living the Story: Lendon Dutton

Posted by Lendon Dutton on

This summer, Pastor Steve told the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and Ruth. The summer series was called Living the Story. We asked you to share your story with us, your UBC Family. These are those stories…

#UMArmy2017 The first site my group had was to tear apart a deck and rebuild it. As soon as we got there, it felt like the family was part of our group. The grandfather helped us take apart the deck even though we later found out he works during the night and was supposed to be sleeping. While we worked, the grandmother hosted VBS in her trailer home. They offered us refreshments and food. The nine or ten-year-old grandson was a little shy, but towards the end of the first day, he helped us whenever he could. Even though the three or four-year-old granddaughter did not talk, she offered me her water while I was working. She offered it to me even though she was hot and sweating. The grandfather tried to give us money. These things made me question, who was serving who? But then I thought, that is how we are created to serve one another.

Lendon Dutton


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