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Living the Story: Lea Bodie

Posted by Lea Bodie on

This summer, Pastor Steve told the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and Ruth. The summer series was called Living the Story. We asked you to share your story with us, your UBC Family. These are those stories…

From an early age, I knew something was missing from my life. Looking back, God was calling me to Him through a series of struggles and failures. While I was always a "believer," I didn't believe the Gospel -- that God loved me so much that He sent His Son to die for me! I never felt worthy of that love. Five years ago, God revealed Himself to me in the most amazing way! He saved my life, my marriage and my relationship with my children and many others when I finally gave into His calling in my life. Praise God for his love, grace and mercy! I pray you find peace in a dynamic relationship with your Father!

Lea Bodie


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