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Living the Story: Kristi Blazine

Posted by Kristi Blazine on

This summer, Pastor Steve told the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and Ruth. The summer series was called Living the Story. We asked you to share your story with us, your UBC Family. These are those stories…

My story is much like Jonah’s; God was calling me and I kept saying NO! Then, this past August, I finally said YES! That yes to God put me in place to love on a family in my UBC Weekday classroom. God had placed a student in my class that had some previous bad experiences with other preschool programs. The parents were a bit nervous about leaving their child in our care. But over the course of the year, I was able to put the parents’ concerns at ease. If I had said no to God, then I would have missed out on this opportunity to impact and be impacted by this family.

Kristi Blazine


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