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Living the Story: Julie Ranna

Posted by Julie Ranna on

This summer, Pastor Steve told the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and Ruth. The summer series was called Living the Story. We asked you to share your story with us, your UBC Family. These are those stories…

In 2007 while doing a Bible study, God planted a seed that I was to use art to spread His word.  As a mixed media abstract artist, I began doing Bible collages. Years later while taking another Bible study, I strongly felt God was calling me to spread the Gospel through Art Evangelism.  In 2016, I started Illumination Arts Ministry (IAM) for visual artists and art lovers to form an artist community to grow spiritually, artistically and personally while honoring Christ through art. Through this new ministry, artists use their talents to spread God's word to the world that desperately needs Him.

Julie Ranna

Illumination Arts Ministry


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