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Living the Story: Candace Griffithe

Posted by Candace Griffithe on

This summer, Pastor Steve told the stories of Jonah, Nehemiah and Ruth. The summer series was called Living the Story. We asked you to share your story with us, your UBC Family. These are those stories…

Almost 3 years ago, I heard Dr. Laufer preach about serving. I had the strong feeling I needed to reach out to David Mobley. I sent an email explaining that I had experience in fundraising, most recently working at a large university foundation, and offered my assistance if needed. His reply was immediate saying my offer was perfectly timed. Now as a UBC Foundation board member, I use the gifts God gave me in my former career to do work for His kingdom. Being obedient to His call has shown me that it is not about me…but about His greater plan. 

Candace Griffithe


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