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A Gift from James

Posted by Debbie Forrest on

green-christmas-ball-debbie's-blog-postThis year Wesley told me, “You might get a gift this Christmas that you think, ‘why did I get this?’ but in a month or two you’re going to be really glad you have it.” How many hours do I spend each year trying to come up with the perfect gifts for people? Is it creative enough? Will they like it? Will they use it? Will I be able to tell if they are giving me “present face?” Present face, you know, that sort of half smile, fake smile you give someone after they give you a gift that you’re not even sure what to do with? That, “are you sure you meant to give this to me?” face.

I turned on the Christmas lights this morning and opened my Bible to James 1 (I’m doing Beth Moore’s Mercy Triumphs study). James is talking about the kinds of things that the Lord gives. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” If you read the whole passage before verse 17 you’ll discover that God only gives good gifts. Perfect gifts, to be exact. It made me wonder how often I’ve given God the “present face”. Like, “Oh God, you shouldn’t have. No, really, you shouldn’t have. I don’t want this at all. I don’t know what to do with this. Did you look at my list? I don’t want this.” 

Sometimes we get gifts from God that we immediately love, like a child, a wonderful family, a great job, or good friends. Sometimes, however, we aren’t quite sure what to do with what God gives us, or maybe what He doesn’t give us. What if we approached each gift from God the way Wesley told me to do about my gift? Knowing that God only gives “good and perfect” gifts, we say, “I’m not sure why I’m getting this, but in a little while I’m going to be really glad He gave it to me!”

This Christmas I challenge you to think about, and write down, the good things the Lord has given you over your entire life, birth until now. Thank Him for the good things in your life. May He receive all of the Glory! Glory to God in the highest!


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