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Oct 29, 2017

Transforming Communities

Transforming Communities

Passage: Genesis 18:18-19

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Family Values

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: justice, missions, redemption, service, transformation

(Gen 18:18-19; Mic 4:1-2; Mk 4:26-34, 5:13-16; Lk 9:10-13)  It is true that the work of God, through his people, is the work of redemption. And while individuals are being redeemed, they are not the only thing God desires to redeem. In fact, God’s plan is nothing short of redeeming ALL of creation, which includes families, cities, neighborhoods, systems, nature, and anything else that finds its creative origin in God (which is everything!). We value the Church’s role in transforming communities of every size and scope to become more of what God has created them to be. As such, we are deeply involved in our own communities for their good, and we seek to develop partnerships with other churches and ministries and help them in their own transformational work in their communities.