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Apr 16, 2017

The Lamb Who Is a Priest

The Lamb Who Is a Priest

Passage: Revelation 5:6-10

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: The Victory of the Lamb

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: discipleship, exodus, moses, pilgrimage

So much imagery from the book of Exodus is used by the author of Revelation. He likens the Lamb both to Moses who led the people out of Egypt, as well as the Passover Lamb that protected the Israelites from the tenth and final plague. Even the apocalyptic plagues that will come on the nations seem to be crafted from the plagues on Egypt in the Exodus account. This imagery reminds the reader that the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus is part victory over foes, part deliverance from slavery, and part embarking on a journey to a new and promised home. As followers of the Lamb, we are all pilgrims, living in the light of his salvation, yet still awaiting the ultimate fulfillment of its glorious promises. Rev 5:6-10, 15:2-4, 20:4-6, 22:3-5