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Jul 23, 2017

The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

Passage: Nehemiah 2:11-3:32

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Living the Story: Nehemiah

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: body of christ, family, priesthood of the believer, serving, teamwork

Ok, so maybe Nehemiah 3 never made it into a “treasury of favorite Bible stories,” or anybody’s “top 10” list of most dramatic biblical moments. But in its broader context, these verses provide a beautiful picture of the people of God rallying together for the common good. It just may be one of the Old Testament’s closest parallels to the frequently cited New Testament notion that the people of God are one body, serving together, each one playing a unique role. The lists and names may not be riveting reading, but the image of teamwork, when considered appropriately, is clearly an inspiring one. May it inspire us to bond together even tighter as a church family in our efforts of building something special in our community in the modern day.