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Nov 05, 2017

Sacrificial Generosity

Sacrificial Generosity

Passage: Matthew 19:16-26

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Family Values

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: generosity, giving, love, money, sacrifice, sharing

Jesus said that the world would know his disciples by their love. Perhaps one of the strongest expressions of love is giving: giving care, giving attention, giving support, giving time, giving money, giving materials, giving encouragement, etc. (After all, God so LOVED the World, that he GAVE his Son.) And in the context of receiving these things and more from others, we receive love. At UBC we value living generous lives, giving of ourselves and our possessions so that the love of God might be shared with one another and made known to those who do not know him. (Matt 19:16-26; 2 Cor 9:6-15; Exod 35:21-29; Luke 10:33-35)