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Oct 01, 2017

Mercy, Grace, & Forgiveness

Mercy, Grace, & Forgiveness

Passage: Matthew 7:1-5

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Family Values

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: forgiveness, grace, mercy, patience

Patience is another value of God that appears frequently in the Bible. God desires, even expects, his people to live holy lives in accord with his very own nature. But he also recognizes humanity’s constant struggle to leave behind their selfish nature to follow God’s own holy example. This struggle necessitates God acting time and time again towards people with the qualities of mercy, grace, and forgiveness, all of which are exemplified heavily in the life and ministry of Jesus. Because these qualities are valued by God, we find them valued by our church members as we seek to know God and walk with him. In our efforts to develop authentic relationships and to foster unity in diversity, we also recognize our need to love one another by extending grace, forgiving, and being merciful as we all seek to grow in our Christlikeness. (Matt 7:1-5, 18:21-35; John 8:1-11, 21:15-17)