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Dec 24, 2017

Encountering the Christ of Peace

Encountering the Christ of Peace

Passage: John 11:1-44

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Encountering Christ

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: faith, peace, power

For all the miracles and signs Jesus had performed, bringing somebody back from the dead surely seemed like too much for most people to believe. It was one thing for Mary and Martha to state their belief that IF Jesus had been there, their brother would have survived. But it was a totally different matter for Martha to believe Jesus when he said that, after four days in the grave, he was going to bring Lazarus back! Trusting that the power of God can reach beyond our own understanding and expectations has the power to create a wonderful peace in our lives. But it requires great faith; faith to be at peace not only in times of ease, but also in times of difficulty. This Christmas, may you encounter the Christ of Peace, whose power reaches beyond our minds’ ability to understand.