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Dec 03, 2017

Encountering the Christ of Hope 9:30

Encountering the Christ of Hope 9:30

Passage: John 4:43-5:8

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Encountering Christ

Category: Sunday Services

Keywords: forgiveness, hope, loneliness, meaning in life, restoration

 Jesus encountered people throughout his ministry that had simply resigned themselves to lives of misery or loneliness. Hope was a commodity in short supply when you were crippled or blind. The medical world didn’t provide a ton of hope when your child was dying from an unknown illness. And yet, the stories of Jesus’s power and message often traveled ahead of him and brought people to him, carrying perhaps just a shred of hope! Maybe, just maybe, this Galilean of whom we have heard can really do something that nobody else can! Maybe, just maybe, he can restore health or purpose or joy to this life that is bereft of these things. And the Christ of Hope in the Gospels remains the Christ of Hope today. Maybe, just maybe, he can bring restoration, forgiveness, joy, meaning, or life back into lonely and hopeless lives still today.