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Jan 21, 2018

A Community Captive

A Community Captive

Passage: Exodus 1:6-14

Speaker: Dr. Steven Laufer

Series: Faces of Community

Category: Sunday Sermons

Keywords: compassion, kindness, mercy, sin, trials

While the account of the family of Israel living in Egypt is rather brief, the actual time (estimated 400 years) covers practically 25% of the historical window of the Old Testament. That time of captivity would remain in Israel’s collective DNA throughout the rest of their biblical story. The Lord’s commands were that the Israelites should always remember that they were once aliens, wanderers, and slaves, especially when they encountered people who were outsiders and downtrodden themselves. The marks of compassion and kindness were to always be on display by the community of God who represented Him, the One who loves all people equally. (Exod 1:6-14; Deut 6:10-12, 15:12-15, 16:9-12, 24:17-22