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Royal Ambassadors (Focus, Dec 2016)

01.31.17 | Children

    The focus of Royal Ambassadors (RAs), the boys’ mission education group at UBC, is not just to learn what, how and where God is working in the world, but also to learn to be ready to answer His invitation to join Him in this work. 

    RAs spend time each week studying about missionaries through magazine and video stories, praying for the missionaries and the people they serve, and learning what it means to be an ambassador for Christ—as well as enjoying pizza together for supper and a physical activity such as kickball or dodge ball. 

    An important aspect of RAs is the interaction across the continuum of boys from preschool age to adult men, and a key aspect is to work with others in sharing Christ. Earlier in the fall, the boys welcomed special guest speaker Todd Hamilton, retired IMB missionary to the Philippines and UBC member. Mr. Hamilton shared about his family’s time in the Philippines and about God’s work there. The RAs also helped with a service project by spreading new mulch for the big playground on UBC’s grounds. 

    In November, the RAs partnered with the “Coats for Katya” coat and sock drive. The boys made collection boxes for this annual drive named after a Ukrainian orphan who was hosted by a UBC family for a summer and who attended UBC. The RA families were invited to donate new socks and new or gently used coats during the drive. The items collected are being shipped to Ukrainian orphans (5–16 years old) who are in need of warm coats and socks. Also held in November was the UBC Royal Ambassador Turkey Shoot. The entry fee for the Turkey Shoot was changed this year to coats to further encourage the collection for the coat and sock drive. The Turkey Shoot served as a fun way for both boys and girls to donate coats while learning gun safety. Fourteen boys and GA girls participated this year and eighteen coats were donated. 

    RAs meet on Wednesday nights from 5:45–7:30 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Learning Center. We look forward to seeing what God plans to do in and through the Royal Ambassadors and their families throughout 2017. 

    by Beth Graves